Category: Talent Management

A Comprehensive Guide to Mental Toughness in the Workplace


Defining Mental Toughness We recently released a whitepaper on mental toughness and how it differentiates top NCAA Division 1 and professional athletes. To start, the chances of athletes making it to the “big leagues” is slim to none. In fact, a high school football player’s chances of playing Division 1 is only 2.7%, baseball is… Read more »

In Case You Missed It: Top 5 Blog Posts of 2019


2019 was the year of the workplace. Changes in labor demand, a new focus on employee engagement, and a desire to impact business outcomes through increased employee productivity were all contributing factors to workplaces shifting priorities to individual needs. Through revised talent management tactics like hiring for potential over skill set, nurturing strong, thriving company… Read more »

Businesses Gain Sales-Efficiency with Competency Models


As the World of Work’s terrain changes in 2016, so too does Caliper’s ability to evolve with you and speak your language. After conducting meta-analyses on 12 years of data, Caliper has developed a library of 49 unique competencies…

Self-Management Examples to Set For Your Employees in 2020: Part 3

Self-management part 3

Over the last couple of months, we’ve been analyzing the most crucial skills needed to develop self-management in your employees. To recap, self-management is not solely one innate skill; rather, it’s a coachable mechanism that works hand-in-hand with six key skills that contribute to employees and help them stay highly motivated and productive without constant… Read more »

A Simple Guide to Pre-Employment Assessments

woman looking at a laptop, thinking

This article on Pre-Employment Assessments first appeared in 2018 and was updated to reflect new information on using Pre-Employment Assessments for Remote Hiring in February of 2021. For additional information resources on remote hiring or pre-employment assessments, continue reading or subscribe to our newsletter. “Often the best solution to a management problem is the right… Read more »

Bridge the Gap: How to Create an Effective Employee Development Approach

Bridge the Gap- How to Create an Effective Employee Development Approach

Growth and development aren’t always the top priorities of a business, but it could be just what they need. An employee development plan is beneficial for both employees and their employers. Before you implement a plan, you need to discover what skill gaps your workplace has. Use these five ways to help determine where those… Read more »

Why Personality Assessments are Critical to Talent Management

.Personality assessments are critical to Talent Management. They provide insights into individuals’ strengths, motivations, and behavioral tendencies. In addition, validated assessments predict performance on both the individual and team levels. They also help companies link their human capital to overall company success. Why Personality Assessments are Critical Cognitive ability tests can predict general ability to… Read more »

What Makes a Personality Assessment Effective? [Infographic]

woman working on a computer holding up a pencil

Personality assessments are a valuable tool for building sales effectiveness in your organization. Whether they help build high-performing sales teams or fill a vacant position, assessments can help uncover tendencies and motivators that are hidden beneath the surface. Your next personality assessment must provide valuable insights into the qualities that signify sales effectiveness, and those… Read more »

Core Competency Myths to Ditch in the New Year

woman reviewing notes at her desk with a coffee

As you grew up, you were taught that math, science and reading were the core competencies that everyone should know to be successful in life. In business, it doesn’t work quite like that. In a business context, core competencies are defined as the advantages or capabilities of an organization that distinguishes them from their competition…. Read more »

Caliper Essentials™ Competency Reports are Live

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Caliper has officially pressed the “launch” button on the Caliper Essentials™ Competency Report, a competency-based edition of the Essentials reporting suite. Caliper Essentials reports cover the full range of talent management, from hiring, to coaching, to development, and the competency-based editions add another layer of value for HR professionals, talent directors, and other business leaders:… Read more »