Women leaders are becoming an ever more critical component of business success, despite operating in work environments that have been historically challenging for them in regard to leadership opportunity and skill development.

Caliper strongly believes in the benefits of leadership diversity, and to do our part, we will conduct our first Women Leaders Development Workshop on Tuesday, December 13, at the Crowne Plaza Princeton – Conference Center in Plainsboro, New Jersey.

This full-day event targets key success factors for women leaders and offers assessments, skills training, and coaching in a highly interactive, real-time format. Workshop topics include developing a leadership presence, handling setbacks, and achieving mindfulness, as well as address women’s unique experience in a traditionally male-dominated business world. A more detailed agenda and registration information can be found here.

The workshop builds upon recent research conducted by Caliper into women’s leadership development, an area of passion for Caliper’s founder, the late Dr. Herb Greenberg.

An earlier 2005 study conducted by Caliper concluded that successful women leaders bring their own motivations and distinct personality attributes – such as openness and consensus-building – to executive positions, and they are inclined toward fostering a collegiate work environment.

As Dr. Greenberg said at the time, “These personality qualities combine to create a leadership profile that is much more conducive to today’s diverse workplace, where information is shared freely, collaboration is vital, and teamwork distinguishes the best companies.”

To learn more about success factors for women in leadership, and to develop your own executive and managerial skills, block off December 13, 2016 on your calendar and register for the Women Leaders Development Workshop today.