Author: Andrew Allgaier

Batman v Superman v Predictability

superman action figure with batman right behind him

Is it necessary to issue a spoiler alert before talking about a movie you haven’t actually seen yet? It’s not like everyone doesn’t already know what’s going to happen in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice…

Your Employees ARE the Organization

man showing co-workers something on his computer

If you work in human resources or talent acquisition, or are a consulting partner in that business space, it behooves you to keep track of trends and developments in all things staffing related….

Open Letter to Small Businesses and Start-Ups

baby goat

Nah, we aren’t starting this open-letter piece with, “Dear Businessperson.” In a post that’s about changing your approach to small business, it would be ironic if we dragged out a tired cliché to make our point…

Talent Development is Still a People Industry

big data

Welcome to the age of Big Data. When it comes to making accurate predictions about business and world affairs, complex statistical analyses have supplanted the once-confident declarations of authoritative experts in almost every respect…

4 Reasons to Invest in a Pre-Employment Report

man drawing another man walking up stairs

If you’ve ever considered using “personality tests” to guide a hiring decision, or if you’re researching them now for the first time, you should know a few things: One, there are a ton of them on the market….

And the Hire Goes to…

setting goals during a crisis

The end of awards season is approaching, with the 88th Academy Awards ceremony airing this Sunday. While many people are wondering which film will take home the big prize at the end of the night…

Personality Assessment Time Machine


Science is cool! As you can see above, the first ever giant intergalactic space-dog nose has been found poking through to our universe from the next, thanks to an experiment conducted by a team of veterinarians….

Hiring a President

abraham lincoln memorial

“The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” As a job description, Article II of the United States Constitution broadly sets forth the powers and responsibilities of the nation’s chief executive…