Author: Jason Griffith

Hiring in Someone’s Image. A mistake?

man walking up an escalator

Say you’ve gotten good business results from using personality assessments, and now you want to expedite the talent-acquisition process. One of your first inclinations…

From Sales Shark to Conscientious Advisor

woman in a kayak

Armed with more information than earlier generations, and feeling ever higher levels of skepticism toward the business world, today’s consumer is unlikely to respond well to aggressive selling tactics…

When Personality Assessment Results Disappoint

woman sitting at a computer working

When we talk about personality-based employment assessments, the message is often some variation of: Using a valid pre-employment assessment can help you dig deeper than resumes and interviews…

Reinvent the Wheel of Talent Management

space station above earth

On Friday, archaeologists in Britain announced an “unprecedented” discovery, unearthing a nearly 3,000-year-old wheel (most definitely not pictured above). Dating back to between 1,100 and 800 B.C….

The ABC’s of Targeted Hiring Practices


On February 1, Google’s new parent company, Alphabet, released their earnings report for Q4 of 2015. The report revealed that Alphabet is now the largest publically traded company in the world. That’s right; it’s even bigger than Apple….

Meet Caliper’s Learning & Development Generalist

caliper certified seal 2016

Jolanta Lewinska has always strived for self-improvement. Now, as Caliper’s first Learning and Development (L & D) Generalist, she gets to spread her knowledge of the Caliper Profile and love of learning to clients….

Walk the Talk on Experience Diversity

piggy banks

“Do as I say, not as I do.” That familiar expression popped into my head while attending a recent workforce analytics conference. The speaker, the Head of HR Analytics for a major U.S. financial institution…