Category: Behavioral Interviewing

Emotional Intelligence Makes Your Sales Team Better. Here’s How.

42% of employees site their workload as the leading cause of stress in the workplace. High levels of stress can lead to decreased health and low productivity — and stress is especially prevalent in a sales career. Beyond things like a healthy work/life balance and a supportive company culture, emotional intelligent employees will demonstrate a… Read more »

Does Your Interview Process Lead to Successful Hires?


On average, only one in five hires turn out successfully. The effect of a bad hire is not just lost productivity and money, but it can also reverberate through company profits and overall team morale. To combat this, many teams are overhauling their onboarding processes and training programs, but often it can come down to… Read more »

Why Personality Assessments are Critical to Talent Management

.Personality assessments are critical to Talent Management. They provide insights into individuals’ strengths, motivations, and behavioral tendencies. In addition, validated assessments predict performance on both the individual and team levels. They also help companies link their human capital to overall company success. Why Personality Assessments are Critical Cognitive ability tests can predict general ability to… Read more »

The ABC’s of Targeted Hiring Practices


On February 1, Google’s new parent company, Alphabet, released their earnings report for Q4 of 2015. The report revealed that Alphabet is now the largest publically traded company in the world. That’s right; it’s even bigger than Apple….

Tip: Hire a Sith Lord to Run Your HR Department

collection of star wars action figures

So apparently there’s a Star Wars movie coming out this week? The marketing effort has been remarkably subtle, kind of like the poster artwork above. For the literal-minded: That was sarcasm….

Remodel Your Hiring Process With Team Interviewing

team looking over data on a computer

Team interviews can take a hiring process that is old and worn and bring it back to life, helping you hire great employees that stay and shine! And the process is DIY once you have the tools….