Author: Andrew Allgaier

Creating Meaningfulness for Millennial Workers

woman smiling at an interview

With Millennial-age employees becoming the largest generational group in the workforce, senior leaders are dying to know: What do they want? How do we keep them from job hopping? What planet are they from?…

The Salesperson of the Future – Part 2

Sales team in a meeting

Rapidly evolving technology is making it easier and easier for consumers to make informed purchases without the need of a salesperson. With software available that qualifies needs…

The Salesperson of the Future – Part 1

group of co-workers sitting around a table smiling

If you sell for a living, technology can be your friend or your enemy. It’s up to you. Automation has been impacting other types of roles for a while now, but it has finally caught up to sales…

Employers, Look to Behavioral Competencies When Hiring

man with a hard hat writing on a clipboard

Though there’s little indication that long-term, repetitive experience in a given role equates to strong performance in a similar role at a different organization, many companies continue to disregard intrinsic motivation…

The Classical Age of Talent Management is Now

roman statue

The ancient Greeks didn’t contribute much to the world of art, aside from developing and defining the major forms, techniques, perspectives, and philosophies we still use today….

Building a Gold Medal–Winning Team

workers gathered around a conference table smiling

With the 2016 Rio Olympics fast approaching, top athletes from around the globe are vying for the final few spots available to represent their respective countries at the games….

What Does Company Culture Look Like?

man with bricks on his face

The phrase “company culture” gets tossed around a lot in modern business discourse. It must be important because people keep talking about it, but what is it? Most definitions fall along the generic lines…

The Wrong Employee… or the Wrong Role?

woman stressed looking at a computer

Every office, warehouse, and production facility has one: an employee who takes up an inequitable portion of the supervisor’s time and effort. This employee may bring important knowledge…

Help Your New Hires “Stick the Landing”

woman stressed looking at a computer

This SpaceX story is simply hogging all the cool, not leaving much for the rest of us. If you haven’t followed the event: SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket not only successfully deployed a Japanese communications…

Unmasking the Real Job Applicant

captain america action figure

The reviews are stellar. The advance ticket sales have approached Star Warsian levels. The nachos cost $13 (what!). The summer blockbuster season has arrived…