Author: Andrew Allgaier

Let’s Get Honest About Resumes

It turns out a lot of people lie on their resumes. If you work in HR, recruiting, or some other aspect of talent acquisition, this probably isn’t a surprise. It works like this: you post your open position along…

Executive Coaching is Not Just for Executives

women discussing plans at a table

When you hear “Executive Coaching,” do you imagine two senior leaders in high-backed leather chairs hashing out performance problems from inside a top-floor, corner office…

4 “Bad Manager” Habits that are Easily Fixed

man talking with colleagues listening

Bad Managers are great! Not for employees or the companies that employ them, but, for those of us tasked with creating web content, they are gold. Google the topic and see for yourself….

Introverts, Extroverts, and the Rest of Us

woman yelling at a man with a megaphone

“Are you an introvert or an extrovert?” That’s the teaser for so many online personality tests, and why not? People like to talk about themselves (especially in quiz form it seems)…

Employee Development Tools on Any Budget

money on a table with a gun and bullets

It’s finally here. Tax Day, 2016. Inexorable, ineluctable. Time to feed the beast and render unto Caesar. Or, as Ray Liotta memorably said in Goodfellas… well, we can’t actually write it in a company blog…

“Bad Manager” Greatest Hits

rockstar with a guitar

The internet loves lists, and there’s no shortage of “bad manager” lists out there in cyberspace. From Seven Signs You Are a Bad Manager to Seven Signs You Have a Bad Manager…

(On)Boarding the Bullet Train to Job Success

bullet train pulling into the station

If you’re a business traveler in Japan, a tourist, or simply a railway aficionado, you may be excited about the recent debut of that country’s new high-speed bullet train, the Hokkaido Shinkansen…