Build Your Workforce With Us
Discover how you can transform your organization with Caliper’s scientifically-validated assessments and reports.
See What Caliper Can Do

The Missing Piece of the Talent Puzzle
Caliper’s scientifically validated behavioral assessments and talent management solutions can help you screen for top talent and develop your teams while driving organizational growth along the way. Whether you are searching for top hires, seeking to reduce turnover, improving teams, or developing leaders, the Caliper Profile is the foundation to build a stronger organization.

How Caliper Can Help
Coach and Develop
Train and Learn
Caliper Certification
Why Use the Caliper Profile?
Simply put, it is not just another personality test. Beyond the Caliper Profile lies the Caliper Essentials Suite of Reports that allows you to dive deeper and extract data from the reports to help your organization to grow. Our powerful Caliper Portal helps you to pull reports on new hires, map candidates and employees to a job fit, and gather coaching recommendations to help you hire and provide targeted training and development to target specific behaviors or skill gaps.
280 Behaviors
56 Competencies
21 Behavioral Traits
+ Abstract Reasoning

It’s been fun to watch the work that Caliper has done with our leadership development pool. They help people understand how to interact with each other; how to understand their own style and its impact on others.